• Sustainable Supply Chain Policy

    Sustainable Supply Chain Policy

    We will strive to understand the issues associated with the supply chains of our business activities in countries and regions around the world, in accordance with this Policy, and work with suppliers and other business partners to achieve a sustainable supply chain.

    Expectations for Business Partners

    We will require our suppliers and other business partners to understand and implement the following principles, and will work collaboratively with them to promote the objectives of this Policy across the entire supply chain:

    Respect for International Standards

    To ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations of relevant countries, fair transactions in accordance with international rules and practice, and corruption prevention.

    Respect for Human Rights

    To strive not to infringe on human rights in our business activities, nor to contribute to human rights infringements by others through our business relationships, including supply chains.

    Forced Labor

    Not to tolerate forced labor or any forms of modern slavery, including bonded labor or human trafficking.

    Child Labor

    Not to tolerate child labor and to comply with the minimum working age stipulated by the law. Not to hire individuals that are under the age of 18 for roles requiring hazardous work.


    To prohibit any form of discrimination in employment.

    Harassment and Inhumane Treatment

    Not to tolerate any form of harassment, irrespective of whether it is physical or mental harassment.

    Freedom of Association and Right to Collective Bargaining

    To respect the rights of employees to associate freely and bargain collectively in our labor-management relations.

    Working Hours and Wages

    To properly manage employees’ working hours, holidays, leaves of absence, and wages in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

    Occupational Health and Safety

    To secure the health and safety of employees in the work environment.

    Community Impact

    To conduct human rights impact assessments, covering issues such as prevention of pollution and water stress, for prevention of adverse impacts on the safety and health of local communities. To implement necessary measures in line with international standards to avoid risks and mitigate negative impacts.

    Initiatives to Address Environmental Issues

    To work with our suppliers and other business partners with the aim of achieving harmony with the environment in our business activities.

    Climate Change

    To act to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

    Water Resources

    To work to conserve water resources by reducing water consumption and improving the efficiency of water resource use.


    To assess the environmental impact of our business activities and work to conserve biodiversity.

    Pollution Prevention

    To act to reduce hazardous waste and pollutants and ensure the proper handling of any such materials, and strive to prevent air, water, ocean and soil pollution.

    Sustainable Resource Use

    To improve efficiency in the use of resources and energy and reduce waste.

    Safety and Security of Products and Services

    To ensure safety and security of products and services.

    Remediation Guidance

    If a business partner acts in violation of this Policy and causes an adverse impact on the environment or on human rights, we will provide remediation guidance to the business partner. If it is determined that the situation has not improved despite ongoing guidance, we will take measures including a potential reconsideration of the business relationship.

    Information Disclosure

    We will properly disclose information related to the above principles in a timely manner.

  • Marine Products Procurement Policy

    Marine Products Procurement Policy

    November, 2023

    Mitsui & Co, Seafoods Ltd. is a food trading company that specializes in marine products. Our management philosophy is to stably provide customers with safe, trustworthy, and sustainable food products and materials in our efforts to contribute to people’s fulfilling lives, and strive to meet the true needs of our customers and create value. We have established the Marine Products Procurement Policy with the aim of contributing to a sustainable society and economic growth by taking on the challenge of solving global issues through our business activities.

    Products Covered by This Policy:

    Marine products handled by Mitsui & Co. Seafoods Ltd.

    Action Guidelines:

    We shall contribute to building a sustainable society and economic growth by taking on the challenge of solving global issues through the procurement of marine products. Accordingly, we have set out the below guidelines with the goals of eliminating IUU (illegal, unreported, and unregulated) fishing and overfishing, respecting the human rights of workers and local residents, and giving due consideration to the environment, and shall promote initiatives in accordance with these guidelines.

    Mitsui & Co, Seafoods Ltd. shall require that our business partners, including our suppliers, understand and implement the following:

    • Uphold the law in the countries and regions where they carry out business activities, and make thorough efforts to prevent corruption through fair trade, in consideration of international rules and practice.
    • When starting a trading relationship, carry out checks to confirm that procurement will not involve serious environmental or human rights issues.
    • Seek to ensure traceability in the place of origin for handled marine products, and strive to eliminate IUU fishing.
    • Confirm that consideration is given to environmental impacts, for example by protecting ecosystems and marine resources in the place of origin, and by managing chemical substances.
    • Prohibit forced labor and child labor, discrimination, harassment, and inhumane treatment of workers, respect for workers’ freedom of association and collective bargaining rights in labor-management relations, and ensure workers’ hours, pay, occupational health and safety.
    • Check that sufficient consideration has been given to relations with local communities and the customary rights of local residents.
    • Give consideration to the human rights and cultures of indigenous peoples, in accordance with international standards such as the United Nations Declaration of the Rights on Indigenous Peoples, the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention (ILO, No.169), and the principle of Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC).
    • Encourage dialog with various stakeholders, including local residents, NGOs, experts, and third-party organizations.
    Initiatives Policy:

    Based on our belief that it is necessary, at the marine products procurement stage, to build mechanisms for eliminating marine products derived from IUU fishing methods, to eliminate overfishing, and to respect the human rights of workers and local residents, Mitsui & Co. Seafoods Ltd. shall expand our handling of responsible marine products, maintain biodiversity, and contribute to the enhanced sustainability of marine products by increasing the volume of ICCAT products (a fisheries management standard) and certified products (including BAP, ASC, and MSC).
    Under this Policy, we will make timely and appropriate disclosures of information in accordance with the progress made in initiatives deemed to be important.